
Teen professes love for his girlfriend in viral video after her dentist dad removes his wisdom teeth

'I am the only Mexican she will ever love'

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Jaydan Newman found out the hard way that getting your wisdom teeth removed by your girlfriend’s dad might not be the best move.

Unless you just talk about how great of a daughter he has and how much you love her -- which is exactly what Newman did.

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Under the influence of “laughing gas” Newman professed his love for his girlfriend, Nicole, saying, “She is the biggest blessing in my entire life.”

Newman cited wake boarding as one of the many reasons he loves Nicole as her dad laughed in the background.

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“I know you’re her dad, so that’s kind of weird,” Newman said.

It seems the dental dad is cool with it, as he said, “We love you, too, Jaydan.”

The video ends with the proclomation, "I am the only Mexican she will ever love."

Watch the full video below:

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