
T-Squared: RevLab at The Texas Tribune will co-host a three-day Independent News Sustainability Summit in October

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RevLab at The Texas Tribune was launched in 2019 to share tested strategies that sustain, maintain and grow the business of the news. And now, we’re joining with some of the best in the business who are as passionate about sustaining journalism as we are. RevLab is partnering with LION Publishers and News Revenue Hub to host our first-ever Independent News Sustainability Summit in Austin from Oct. 27 to 29, with support from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation.

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The last two years have brought both incredible challenges and new opportunities to independent news organizations. At this first summit, expected to be an annual event, representatives from independent news organizations and journalism support organizations will gather to share lessons learned about what it takes to be sustainable and the new ways in which we are all reaching audiences, managing capacity and showing our impact. The summit will be modeled after LION’s framework of sustainability for three tracks of programming: financial health, operational resistance and journalistic impact.

Attendees will walk away with tools, resources and best-of-the-industry advice on how to operationalize sustainability for their own work. RevLab will share lessons from the Tribune’s newsroom and will welcome summit attendees at the Tribune’s downtown Austin office. Summit guests can also look forward to attending the annual LION Awards ceremony and dinner, which recognizes excellence in local independent journalism and other networking opportunities for attendees.

The Independent News Sustainability Summit is designed to focus on how to preserve and sustain public service journalism — a mission that is more crucial than ever for American democracy. We are committed to hosting an event that is welcoming, respectful, safe and inclusive. We are excited about the discussions and ideas that will emerge from this event.

We can’t wait to welcome you in person and online to the 2022 Texas Tribune Festival, our multiday celebration of big, bold ideas about politics, public policy and the day’s news — all taking place just steps away from the Texas Capitol from Sept. 22-24. When tickets go on sale in May, Tribune members will save big. Donate to join or renew today.

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