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Adeina stops by SA Live with goodies

SAN ANTONIO – FIESTA IS HERE and Adeina from Creative Lifestyles is showing us how WE can celebrate the Festive celebration! 

Don't get me started on how CUTE the mini cookie tacos are! They are literally as good as they look and Adeina has you covered with what you need!

Items Needed

  • Vanilla Flavored Oreo Cookies
  • Chocolate Frosting
  • Red M&M’s
  • Coconut
  • Green Food Cooring
  • Knife
  • Cutting Board
  • Wilton Cake Decorating Bag

Separate the sandwich cookies and scrape the white frosting off. Break or cut the cookie in half and set them aside. Put about a cup of coconut into a bowl and squirt 3-4 drops of green food coloring on top of the coconut. Stir or shake the coconut until it is fully green, set this aside.

Place the chocolate frosting in the Wilton decorating bag and cut the tip off the bottom of the bag. Squeeze a small line of frosting onto the straight edge of one of the cookies and place another cookie half onto the frosting to create your “taco shell”. Fill the cookie shell with more frosting, this is your “meat”.

Place the coconut on top of the frosting, this is your “lettuce”. Lastly, place 2 red M&M’s into the frosting, these are your “tomatoes”. The kids will love making and eating these yummy Fiesta treats.

For more information on Creative Lifestyles with Adeina click here
