
Heat up your turkey legs with this workout

A Thanksgiving Get Fit Friday with EnergyX Fitness

SAN ANTONIO – Fiona Gorostiza joins EnergyX Fitness for a leg workout to beat the holiday food festivities. Alison Galvan shares four quick kettlebell moves to get your legs in shape.

“EnergyX Fitness features high intensity, low impact classes dubbed San Antonio’s Best Total Body Workout.”

They now have two locations in San Antonio.

5162 Broadway St, San Antonio, TX 78209

623 Hemisfair Blvd, Suite C San Antonio, TX 78205

For more information on classes at EnergyX Fitness click here.

About the Author

John has worked his way through the ranks at SA Live. He started as an intern with the show in 2015, and joined the team full time as a photographer in 2017.

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