
Q&A: What should we consider when it comes to kids returning to school? Medical expert lists recommendations

Enjoy the fresh air; it's healthy for you to spend time outside, expert says

SAN ANTONIO – How do you feel about sending your kids back to school?

Dr. Rowland Reyna, the founder of HealthTexas, explained some misconceptions that still exist regarding COVID-19. Here are some questions and answers, provided by Reyna.

1. What are some misconceptions about the coronavirus?

  • It will go away, or have reduced effects, this summer.
  • The kind of soap you need: Experts say soap and water, by the way, when you’re washing your hands thoroughly, is best (as in, better than hand sanitizer).
  • Gloves: Some misconceptions have arisen about gloves. Your best line of defense? Wash your hands often and properly and try to avoid touching your face.

“The virus, as we already know, will not go away this summer,” Reyna said. “The best way to protect yourself is with social isolation, wearing a mask and quarantining people who are sick. Being out in the fresh air is actually very healthy for you. The virus just doesn’t hang around the air. Go for a walk, spend time outside and spend time in the garden, but don’t spend time around a lot of people.”

Takeaway: Try to enjoy life and be smart about social distancing.

2. What are the current infection and mortality rates in the U.S.?

“At this time, our population is around 329 million. (We’ve) had around 3 million people get the virus,” Reyna said. “As of recently, 145,00 deaths, which means the survival rate in the United States is 99.96 %. Here in San Antonio as of last night [Monday, July 27], we’ve had 323 deaths and in the city of a metropolitan area of 2 million people, our chance of dying of COVID-19 in San Antonio is 0.00016%.”

Takeaway: The COVID-19 mortality rate is low in San Antonio, although this likely depends on your personal health circumstances.

3. What do health experts say about sending kids back to school?

  • The risk to children is lower than adults.
  • Coronavirus is less likely to spread among grade-school kids.

“There’s a lot of controversy about this, but the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends sending kids to school,” the founder said.

Takeaway: Pediatric experts are giving their OK to send children back to school.

4. What do you recommend for your patients?

  • Wear a mask.
  • Practice social distancing.
  • Quarantine if you’re sick.
  • Stay in touch with your doctor.
  • Stay current on health care and cancer screenings.

Reyna said, “We are seeing a lot of people who are dying of struggles and heart attacks and undiagnosed cancers because they are not seeing their doctors. See your doctor. Make an attempt to see them whether or not it’s in person.”

Takeaway: Follow CDC guidelines and safety precautions.

HealthTexas has 17 locations to serve the San Antonio region and all HealthTexas doctors are board-certified in internal medicine or family medicine.

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