Male Medical Group wants to turn back the clock every day for men in San Antonio. Professionals with the group have provided four symptoms of low testosterone to be aware of before you consider testosterone therapy.
“Some symptoms of low testosterone, first off, is that lack of drive, lack of focus, motivation and some loss of libido -- you just don’t have that extra pep in your step, and you’ve been gaining some extra body fat,” said Manuel Chapa, a patient counselor at Male Medical Group. “We want to help you out and answer any questions you might have and get you back on track.”
More symptoms include:
1) Hot flashes or night sweats
When your body can’t maintain a normal core temperature, you will feel extremely hot, even in air conditioning, according to Male Medical Group. Your chances of sweating at night are more likely to increase.
2) Fatigue
Symptoms of chronic fatigue include extreme tiredness or fatigue that is not improved with adequate rest, hydration and nutrition.
3) Developing a mood disorder
Low-T can lead to major depressive disorder or sudden, unexplainable sadness, according to the men’s group.
4) Insomnia
Poor sleep quality can result in depression and anxiety. You can suffer from chronic sleep deprivation after a period of poor sleep quality.
According to the Male Medical Group, one in every five men older than 60 suffers from low testosterone.
Many men are reluctant to speak with their doctors about testosterone concerns. That’s why the men’s group helps make the conversation easier for its patients.
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