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Here’s how you can get free CPR certification to save a life

About 10 people die from unintentional drowning daily, according to CDC

Summer is almost here, and with the heat comes playing in the water, but it’s also important to remember summer safety.

Every day, about 10 people die from unintentional drowning. Of these, two are children ages 14 or younger, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Drowning ranks fifth among the leading causes of unintentional injury death in the United States, states the CDC.

Dr. Rowland Reyna, founder of HealthTexas Medical Group, has provided some helpful summer safety tips for people of all ages to consider.

What are some good ways to stay hydrated, both indoors and outdoors?

“Drink a lot of water all day long,” said Reyna. “The other thing is to keep away from sugary drinks, caffeine and alcohol. They actually lead to dehydration. They make you urinate more and you become more dehydrated.”

“If somebody in your family -- your parents or grandparents -- don’t have an air conditioner, give them a little room air conditioner,” Reyna suggested.

Takeaway: Drink plenty of water, avoid sugary drinks, caffeine and alcohol. If your urine is dark, drink more fluids (it should be clear). Sit in the shade, wear light colors and a hat. Apply sunscreen every two hours (at least SPF 30+). Try to avoid being outside during the heat of the day. Opt for doing yard work in the mornings or evenings instead.

How important is it to know CPR, and where can you learn it?

“We know about 4,000 drowning accidents happen every year,” said Reyna. “A lot of it happens during the summertime, people hanging around the pool. That’s actually how Harper’s Embrace Lifesaver Program started. We started this at HealthTexas about 17 years ago, and was founded by us (to provide) free CPR training.”

Harper’s Embrace Lifesaver Program makes free CPR classes available to everyone who would like to take the class.

“We have certified trained instructors (who) actually come to you (at) your place of business to help your families and friends,” said Jenny Shreve, director of Harper’s Embrace Lifesaver Program. “We bring our equipment and we provide these lifesaving skills.”

If you need a primary care doctor, HealthTexas has 17 locations to serve the San Antonio region, and the health group specializes in Medicare plans. All doctors are board-certified in internal medicine or family medicine.

To learn more about HealthTexas, click or tap here.