Azian Bermea

Azian Bermea is a photojournalist at KSAT.
Azian Bermea is a photojournalist at KSAT.
Members of the American Postal Workers Union (APWU) held a rally on Thursday morning in response to proposed changes for the United States Postal Service.
While the term “jackpotting” sounds like it should be a win, it’s actually costing local banks and other ATM owners tens of thousands of dollars.
Bexar County sheriff’s investigators are urging neighbors to check their surveillance cameras for videos that could provide clues related to the disappearance of a woman who was later found dead.
San Antonio police have arrested a couple who officers said committed a string of burglaries at a storage facility by cutting a hole through the wall of their storage unit and gaining access into others.
Container gardens don’t require a yard or much space and yield lots of produce. Here's how you can start your own with the help of Rainbow Gardens.
People are watching the weather in South Bexar County, hoping strong winds in the forecast won't lead to another round of grassfires for them.
A woman said a Southwest Side night club connected to two weekend shootings has been a personal problem for her in recent weeks. San Antonio police said the club also was the site of two police shootings last weekend.
A man who cut off his ankle monitor following an arrest in a downtown shooting and brawl last month was taken into custody, according to the San Antonio Police Department.
The Bexar County Sheriff’s Office said its deputies arrested a man and discovered approximately $500,000 worth of drugs on Thursday at an East Side home.
Genesis Garcia’s neighborhood, located near the Bexar and Atascosa County lines, was in the path of Tuesday's destructive grass fire.
A dog owner and two neighbors are recovering from injuries in a bloody dog attack in Pleasanton. Another neighbor who witnessed it says he may never get over it.