Daniela Sternitzky-Di Napoli

Digital News Editor

Daniela went to the University of Houston where she studied creative writing and print journalism. On top of being a writer, she loves to bake, read and spend time with her husband and two miniature dachshunds.

1) What made you get into Digital News?

I never wanted to be anything else. While all the other 7 years olds wanted to be princesses and rock stars, I was posing as a reporter for home videos. I also loved to write, so combining my passion for writing and dream of being in news seemed like the logical answer. 

2) What do you love about living in Houston?

The food. Hands down. I could spend a day eating my way around the city. There is so much to try! 

3) Where did you go to school?

I graduated from the University of Houston (Go Coogs!) with a double major in print journalism and creative writing with an emphasis in poetry. I love writing for news, but poetry is my first true love.

4) Accomplishments or memorable journalism moments?

Working through Harvey will always stick with me. Harvey was my first major event as a journalist. Being able to report the lows and the highs of the storm all while going through them was a unique, unforgettable experience.

5) What’s a story you enjoyed working on?

I once got to interview Food Network chef Aaron Sánchez when he was in town. As a budding journalist, I was in awe when I watched him critique and send back shrimp that was undercooked. He was the nicest person and even though I was much younger and less experienced than all the other reporters, he treated me with as much respect as the others. It was the moment I felt like a real journalist.

6) Why do you love digital journalism?

Newspapers have word limits. TV has time limits. Online writing has few limitations. You can write as long or short as you want. You have the liberty to be creative and more casual, at least when it comes to a feature story. When it comes to harder news, I love it because you can give the reader details that might not get elsewhere.

7) Your favorite news/lifestyles to read:

Full disclosure, I try to not be in news all day every day because — let’s face it — sometimes we all need a break. When I do read something other than books, I like reading any articles about food/restaurants/recipes. I’m addicted to Tasty videos. 