Irksome in Iceland, brusque in Britain? US envoys draw ire
Read full article: Irksome in Iceland, brusque in Britain? US envoys draw ireHe's also enraged lawmakers by casually and groundlessly hitching Iceland to President Donald Trump's controversial "China virus label for the coronavirus. (AP Photo/rni Torfason)REYKJAVIK In Iceland, a nation so safe that its president runs errands on a bicycle, U.S. Gunter has also enraged lawmakers by casually and groundlessly hitching Iceland to President Donald Trump's controversial "China virus label for the novel coronavirus. We are still weighing the request and assessing the level of potential threat for foreign embassies in Iceland, she said. The top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Bob Menendez of New Jersey, last week released a report criticizing the administration's decimation of the career diplomatic corps.