CPS Energy warns customers of scam calls & shares tips to pull the plug on ‘Phonies’
Read full article: CPS Energy warns customers of scam calls & shares tips to pull the plug on ‘Phonies’CPS Energy is warning customers of scammers calling and pretending to be the electric company’s representatives to steal valuable information.
Some tips on how to start a new career after the age of 50
Read full article: Some tips on how to start a new career after the age of 50Whether it be realizing a dream, work life balance, making a difference, or just doing what you want, making a career change over the age of 50 can be satisfying and terrifying.
Last-minute preps to do on your house before freezing temps arrive later this week
Read full article: Last-minute preps to do on your house before freezing temps arrive later this weekIt will be a chilly Christmas weekend, and hopefully, you have checked to ensure everything around your home is ready for the season’s first freeze.
Vitamin deficiency symptoms, tips to prevent future health issues
Read full article: Vitamin deficiency symptoms, tips to prevent future health issuesIf you shun the sun, suffer from food allergies, and don’t get enough fruit and veggies, it’s likely you may be vitamin deficient. In fact, 46 percent of United States adults aren’t getting enough vitamin C. According to The Cleveland Clinic, 42 percent of people are vitamin D deficient, and 90 percent are not getting enough vitamin E. Getting too little of these essential vitamins can be dangerous, even life-threatening.
City of San Antonio shares safety tips for travelers this Labor Day weekend
Read full article: City of San Antonio shares safety tips for travelers this Labor Day weekendThe holiday weekend is quickly approaching, and the City of San Antonio is helping the public prepare for a stress-free travel experience by sharing a few tips!
Some tips on finding a job when you already have one
Read full article: Some tips on finding a job when you already have oneAn August 2021 poll found that 65% of employees surveyed were actively looking for a new job. If you’re thinking about jumping ship, there are some do’s and don’ts you might want to consider.
Here are some Spring cleaning tips for revitalizing your home
Read full article: Here are some Spring cleaning tips for revitalizing your homeSpring cleaning is a great way to get your home ready for guests, whether it be for Easter egg hunts or dinner parties. There are some simple things you can do to amp up your spring cleaning regimen.
Over 50 & Low on Savings: Tips to Retire on Time
Read full article: Over 50 & Low on Savings: Tips to Retire on TimeRetirement can sneak up on you quickly. If you haven’t saved enough, you might feel panicked with each passing year. But, you can still get your finances back on track, no matter what your age.
Make school supplies shopping a learning experience with these tips for parents
Read full article: Make school supplies shopping a learning experience with these tips for parentsShopping for school supplies can add up for parents, but it also opens up an opportunity to speak with their children about what they can afford at the store.
San Antonio-area auto shops seeing more water damaged vehicles after floods
Read full article: San Antonio-area auto shops seeing more water damaged vehicles after floodsThis week’s heavy rain had many scrambling, with people seen pushing their cars to higher ground, driving to safety, and some took the risk of going through floodwaters to make it home.
Tips to choose the right lawn service for your home
Read full article: Tips to choose the right lawn service for your homeSAN ANTONIO – Keeping your lawn beautiful and bright green can be a challenge if you’re doing all the work yourself. If you need that extra help and want a professional to do a job right, it’s essential to choose the right lawn service to meet your needs. Once you find the right company or individuals to do the job, the professionals will need to know your budget and the services you want for your lawn. A professional cannot be sure what treatment your lawn may need without seeing it first. Make sure to ask your lawn service about any safety precautions your family will need to take for the project’s duration.
Some tax tips following a year of coronavirus
Read full article: Some tax tips following a year of coronavirusBut did you know where you dialed in from could impact your tax refund? “If you work in a high tax state or a state that’s separate from yours now you’ve got two state income tax returns you’re going to have to file,” said Gary Kane, CPA, at Kane & Associates. Each state has their own tax laws, which varies by the number of days worked, so check with your advisor. “The tax brackets are like stair steps and so if your income is down, you’ve gone down the stair steps, and you’re paying tax at a lower rate,” said Kane. Gary Kane does say that if you’re questioning your stimulus check, know that you don’t need to report your stimulus payment on the tax return unless you failed to get one.
How to keep your non-stick pans in good shape
Read full article: How to keep your non-stick pans in good shapeMost home chefs know that you need a good nonstick pan in your collection of kitchen tools. Consumer Reports reveals some easy tips to keep your non-stick pans working year after year. Calphalon warns that storing pans or lids in its nonstick pans will void the warranty. AdBecause nonstick pans are so easy to clean, it’s tempting to take them right from the stovetop to the sink. Steel wool is used to test the surface of nonstick pans, something you should never use on them.
Some tips to help get 2021 more organized
Read full article: Some tips to help get 2021 more organized“I always say, if it’s overwhelming, start small. “Pantries are a great spot to start because things expire,” Baer said. “Final piece of advice is shop for containers last, once you know what is going back in that space,” said Baer. Seeing an organized and uncluttered finished product will give you the satisfaction and confidence to keep going. They can create the plan, handle the clean out, and give some great tips for what to do with those items that you’re ready to let go of.
Tips on how to return unwanted holiday gifts
Read full article: Tips on how to return unwanted holiday giftsWe asked retail insiders the top tips to help get the most of your holiday returns. Most stores have a 30 to 60 day return policy and keep the tags on if you can. “With the online store, your tags have to be on the items,” Chambers added. Google the retailer’s return policy before contacting the store. If your item was purchased online, see if you can return it in store to avoid costly packing fees.
Be aware of domestic violence during the holidays
Read full article: Be aware of domestic violence during the holidaysORLANDO, Fla. (Ivanhoe Newswire) – One in every four women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime. Domestic violence is known to rise during the holidays and unfortunately, it’s even common for survivors that have made it out to go back to their abusers this time of year. How can you help family, friends, or even strangers from domestic violence? When uncontrollable stressors rise, so does domestic violence. If you or a loved one is in danger, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233.
Beware of these tricks employers use during job interviews
Read full article: Beware of these tricks employers use during job interviewsKeep in mind that your job interview may start before you even know it. There are several tricks employers sometimes use to make sure you’re the right candidate for the job. Employers feel if you can be attentive and thoughtful about small things, they can trust you with bigger things. Next, be aware of the ‘Drop the Pen’ trick:Similar to the coffee trick, this is a test of your character. Finally, be aware of the Receptionist Test.
Tips on how to cook the perfect Thanksgiving turkey
Read full article: Tips on how to cook the perfect Thanksgiving turkeyIf you have been given the big responsibility of cooking the turkey this year and you don’t want to dry out your bird, listen up. Make sure you let your turkey air dry for a couple of days in the fridge before you cook it. If you do decide to roast your turkey, roast it upside down. Roasting the bird upside down for the first half of the cooking time allows for the juices to sink into the turkey breast. Melt half a pound a butter to brush onto your turkey and sprinkle a bit of sea salt on it.
Holiday travel tips to stay safe and healthy
Read full article: Holiday travel tips to stay safe and healthyBut with the holiday season approaching, some are thinking about venturing out again. The holiday season is usually primetime for travel. If you do decide to travel, don’t be fearful of planes. And don’t forget to pack the essentials. Most importantly, while you’re staying safe, don’t forget to relax and enjoy the holidays.
Want to participate in a COVID-19 clinical trial? Don’t fall for these scams.
Read full article: Want to participate in a COVID-19 clinical trial? Don’t fall for these scams.SAN ANTONIO – Across the U.S., thousands of clinical trials are underway to study vaccine candidates and treatments for COVID-19. And some bad actors are working to take advantage of clinical volunteers to make a quick buck. If thinking about participating in a COVID-19 study for a vaccine or treatment, it’s crucial to know how to spot real clinical trials and weed out the fake ones, which are set up to steal money or personal information from participants. The Federal Trade Commission is offering the following tips to help you avoid clinical trial scams:
Tips to get your kitchen ready for the holidays
Read full article: Tips to get your kitchen ready for the holidaysAs the holidays are quickly approaching, many of us are gearing up to host family and friends. In all of the planning and list-making, there are some simple tips you can follow to make sure your kitchen is ready for the holidays. And don’t use the self-cleaning function right before the holidays, because that’s actually when your oven would be most-likely to fail. Instead, wipe out your oven out, clean up any crumbs that you can see and save the deep clean for after the holidays. Instead, wipe the area with a moistened cloth.
What you should know before getting a home inspection
Read full article: What you should know before getting a home inspectionFor most of us, our home is one of the biggest investments we’ll ever make. So, whether you’re buying or selling a home, getting a quality home inspection is a must. While a professional home inspector will best know the most common problem areas to check, you, the homeowner, should be doing your own inspections yearly to maintain your home. If you don’t have any clue what to look for during your own inspections, make sure you’re available and around when your home inspection is being conducted. A good home inspector will point out the problem areas as you come across them and give you some tips on how to maintain your home.
Tips for being on the job hunt while being a full time parent
Read full article: Tips for being on the job hunt while being a full time parentJuggling a job search and being a full time parent is hard. But according to experts with Healthline, there are a few ways to make the process run smoother. First set up a new email account just for job hunting. When it comes to your job search, it can feel overwhelming. Not only will you have an updated resume, it will show employers you are still excited to learn new things.
More people are not managing high blood pressure, experts say
Read full article: More people are not managing high blood pressure, experts sayExperts from Healthline say high blood pressure can increase the risk of a heart attack, stroke, and heart failure. New research shows more cases of uncontrolled high blood pressure is a growing issue among adults. Experts say people with high blood pressure need to know that managing it is an ongoing process. Health experts recommend getting a blood pressure reading at least once a year. They say you need to be aware of which blood pressure category you fall under, and to make follow-up appointments with your doctor.
Most common places you’re likely to fall in your home
Read full article: Most common places you’re likely to fall in your homeThe CDC says falls are the leading cause of unintentional injury deaths worldwide, and 43 percent of those fatal falls involved a ladder. September is Fall Prevention Month and although they may seem unavoidable in the moment, learning how to fall correctly could help save you from broken bones, torn muscles, lost wages, massive medical bills, and long recoveries. To avoid breaks and fractures, relax the tension in your body. The most common places to fall are the stairs, bathroom, living room and garden. It’s important to be aware of your surroundings and try to keep pathways clear.
KSAT Money: Want to teach your kids about earning money? Here are some tips to help you get started.
Read full article: KSAT Money: Want to teach your kids about earning money? Here are some tips to help you get started.The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has some tips to make it easier for parents to talk about earning with their children.
Expect the opposite -- and it just might alter your whole way of thinking, podcast host says
Read full article: Expect the opposite -- and it just might alter your whole way of thinking, podcast host saysHave you ever taken a few minutes to think about your expectations -- expectations about life, the people around you, and yourself? Because on a recent episode of The Best Advice Show, a guest and podcast host shared a brilliant tip involving expectations. Its a way to manually reset your expectations to open up room for something else to come forth, as Sarah May B. explained. She goes on to put it in more specific terms: For example, lets say you have a disagreement at work. This person thinks this or people think that.Sarah May B. says in the moment youre feeling all of that negative energy, close your eyes and mentally say to yourself the opposite.
Flash Flooding: Some tips to keep you safe!
Read full article: Flash Flooding: Some tips to keep you safe!Flash Flooding: Some tips to keep you safe! Published: June 10, 2020, 3:00 pmDid you know that only 6 inches of water is enough to sweep a person off their feet? Meteorologist Sarah Spivey gives some safety tips during a flash flooding event
Is the thank-you note dead? We hope not
Read full article: Is the thank-you note dead? We hope notWriting thank-you notes can feel like a chore -- but it shouldnt. Dalal, who lives in Detroit, said writing a thank-you note allows you to be reflective and nostalgic. So next time a person does something kind for you, or has you over and hosts you at his or her home or you go to an event you really love -- try writing a thank-you note. The Best Advice Show" podcast creator and host Zak Rosen wants to hear from you next. The Best Advice Show" is produced by Graham Media Group.
This tiny hack will change the way you do dishes, forever
Read full article: This tiny hack will change the way you do dishes, foreverYou know what they say: Sometimes the best ideas are the simplest. We can all likely agree: The worst part of unloading the dishwasher is putting away the silverware back into your drawer or organizer. This advice was provided to The Best Advice Show podcast by Sam Langberg, an emergency room doctor, and Hannah Chalew, an artist, living in New Orleans. Be sure to include your name and your tip, followed by your email address, in case Rosen has any follow-up questions. The Best Advice Show" is a product of Graham Media Group.
‘I pay my bills off my tips’: Unemployed and uncertain after businesses close their doors
Read full article: ‘I pay my bills off my tips’: Unemployed and uncertain after businesses close their doors‘I pay my bills off my tips’: Unemployed and uncertain after businesses close their doorsPublished: March 25, 2020, 10:27 pm‘I pay my bills off my tips’: Unemployed and uncertain after businesses close their doors