Is your household equipped with the right supplies in the event of a natural disaster or other emergency?
Read full article: Is your household equipped with the right supplies in the event of a natural disaster or other emergency?Natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, floods and wildfires can have devastating effects. Having a solid emergency plan and well-stocked supplies can make a significant difference during times of crisis.
Allstate, State Farm halt new home insurance policies in California
Read full article: Allstate, State Farm halt new home insurance policies in CaliforniaAllstate and State Farm both announced in the last week that they would be halting insurance policies citing inflation and natural disasters in the state.
Video: 8 inches of ash covers parts of Russia’s Kamchatka Peninsula from Shiveluch volcano eruption
Read full article: Video: 8 inches of ash covers parts of Russia’s Kamchatka Peninsula from Shiveluch volcano eruptionA massive volcanic eruption is spewing out ash for a second day on Russia’s far eastern Kamchatka Peninsula, throwing clouds of dust high into the sky and blanketing wide areas.