SAN ANTONIO Killer Mike, half of the rap group Run the Jewels, announced Jay-Z as a partner in a soda line brought to life by the rappers Netflix show.
The soda line was brought to life on episode 3 of the rappers show Trigger Warning With Killer Mike. On the show, Killer Mike attempts to give the gangs a rebranding by turning their already infamous brand into commercial soda companies healthier than the most-popular soda brands.
Ive seen white gangs be legitimate, legitimized and be able to create money, streams of revenue, Killer Mike says in his show.
The National Gang Center says that individuals in gangs are significantly more criminally active during their active membership in the gang.
Survey research has consistently demonstrated that individuals are significantly more criminally active during periods of active gang membershipcompared with before joining the gang and after leaving the gangparticularly in serious and violent offenses.