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City to consider rainbow-themed crosswalk this week

City Council member wants Main Street, Evergreen Avenue crosswalk changed

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SAN ANTONIO – Could the Alamo City be following the lead of Houston and Atlanta? If one City Council member has his way, that could happen.

The city’s Governance Committee will discuss and possibly decide Wednesday to create rainbow crosswalks for "The Strip" on North Main Street, where it intersects with Evergreen Avenue.

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The biggest issue, according to the Transportation and Capital Improvements Department: Safety.

RELATED: Pride Houston creates Texas' first rainbow crosswalk for LGBTQ community

TCI said in a memo “For safety reasons, TCI does not recommend or support any permanent art installation on crosswalks, or within traffic travel lanes as visual changes can create a distraction and safety hazard for motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians.”

The department did say sidewalks, traffic signals and banners and murals could be decorated.

Earlier this year, Councilman Roberto Trevino requested the city install the rainbow crosswalks to better promote the center of the city’s LGBTQ community.

The city must follow the requirements listed in the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.

READ MORE: Community gathers to chalk rainbow crosswalks, honor slain officer

In recent years, the TCI Department said it has denied request for themed sidewalks. According to a 2015 study from the city of Edmonton, Alberta, however, that Canadian city’s rainbow crosswalks did not decrease safety.

Both Atlanta and Houston have added rainbow-themed crosswalks at major intersections this year.