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TRAFFIC ALERT: Crews to begin next phase of Highway 281 Expansion Project

SAN ANTONIO – Texas Department of Transportation crews, heavy machinery and traffic delays have become the norm during the Highway 281 Expansion Project.

This weekend, starting Friday at 9 p.m., the focus will be on about 3/4 of a mile just south of Encino Rio to Evans Road.

"Basically what we’re doing is diverting traffic from the existing main lanes," said Hernan Rozemberg, TxDOT spokesman.

Rozemberg said drivers will instead take the frontage road but will have the same number of lanes.

The biggest difference is that the speed limit will drop from 60 to 45 mph. Crews will also be working on intersection reconstruction in the area.

"As a result of that, the turnarounds just south of Encino Rio will be closed during the weekend. Northbound and southbound will be closed," Rozemberg said.

Crews expect to finish work by 5 a.m. Monday as long as the weather cooperates.

"The switch is being implemented one way or the other, but if there's heavy rain on Saturday, that could prolong it," Rozemberg said.

If you would like to learn about the project, click here.

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Bill Barajas headshot

Reporter, proud Houstonian, U of H alumni, and lover of all the hometown sport teams.