
More Bexar County voters have cast ballots so far in 2020 than in any other election

Voting numbers surpass 2016 vote totals

SAN ANTONIO – After Wednesday’s turnout, more Bexar County residents have voted in the 2020 presidential election than in 2016, according to numbers provided by the election department.

More than 29,000 voters cast a ballot in-person Wednesday and 3,764 mail ballots were received by the election department. That brought the total in-person votes to 521,496 and 81,543 absentee votes.

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By noon Thursday, a total of 608,725 voted, according to the elections department.

In 2016, a total of 598,691 votes were cast in Bexar County, according to the election department.

While the running total in 2020 is now greater than the prior presidential election, the percentage of voter turnout is still slightly less.

So far, slightly more than half of all registered voters in Bexar County have voted, the numbers show. By the end of the 2016 election, 57% of registered voters turned out. Since 2016, Bexar County has added more than 112,000 registered voters.

With two more days left for early voting and Election Day around the corner, turnout in 2020 is expected to be greater than 2016′s percentage as well.

The growth in Bexar County and other urban areas in Texas may end up making a difference in competitive races up and down the ballot.

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