When it comes to cool cloud formations, mammatus clouds rank high.
They’re a favorite with KSAT Connect users who sometimes call them bubble clouds or cotton ball clouds. They were actually named for something else. Mammatus derives from the Latin word “mamma” which means udder or breast.
How are mammatus clouds formed?
Mammatus clouds can be easily identified as cloud pockets appearing to hang downwards. This occurs when pockets of cold air begin to descend toward the surface. As the cold air descends into warmer air, it reaches a point where the available water vapor condenses and makes a bubbly shape.
Mammatus clouds!
What mammatus clouds mean
Mammatus clouds look ominous, but they mean no harm. They can often be found on the undersides of storms hanging from the anvil of cumulonimbus clouds. Mammatus are a reminder of the spectacular things our atmosphere is capable of producing.

See more photos from KSAT Connect
Taylor Mcclelland
Some Mammatus clouds reflecting off woodlawn lake this evening.
The Rosas
Bubble clouds!!! 😊
Tammie G
“Bubble Clouds”