
Texas mom says car keys saved her life during attack

Woman says she remembered tactic from self-defense documentary

HOUSTON – A 27-year-old Amarillo mother of six children said she was randomly attacked Friday morning and her quick thinking and car keys saved her life.

Jessica Collins said she was attacked by a man at 2:30 a.m. at her apartment complex.

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Collins said she left her phone charger in her car and went outside to get it, but remembered to carry her keys in-between her knuckles for safety. She said this is a tactic her mother taught as a child from a women’s self-defense documentary on TV.

Collins said she unlocked her car, grabbed her phone charger and closed her door when a man punched her in the nose. Collins said she quickly reacted and punched him in the neck, which made the man run away while holding his neck.

“I was filled with fear, but my first thought was punch him so I can run to my apartment,” Collins told KPRC 2.

She said she took pictures of her face and car keys then went to the police station to reports the assault. Collins said police were able to collect DNA from her attacker, but that he still remains on the run.

After surviving her attack, Collins said she wants to create awareness for other women. She posted a bloody picture of her face and keys on Facebook right leaving the police station to warn and inform other women her self-defense tactic that can potentially save their lives.

Collin’s Facebook post has gotten over 7,000 likes and is catching a lot of attention.

“I’m trying to raise awareness for women. Many never think (it can happen to them) until it’s too late. I’m trying to potentially save lives,” she said.


About the Author

Award-winning journalist, mother, YouTuber, social media guru, millennial, mentor, storyteller, University of Houston alumna and Houston-native.

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